Monday, December 17, 2012

A Beautiful post...

I've been slacking unforgivably here. I'm sorry. I had a million things going on. The last couple of weeks have been crazy with college stuff and whatnot. It's that time of the year, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you. I was able to smuggle a couple of hours every day to read and boy...  What a good thing I did.

If you are in the YA community, I'm positive you've heard about The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. So I'm here today to tell you a little bit of my experience with this awesome series. I won't write a review. At least not in the traditional sense.

These are the covers in reading order. 1) Beautiful Creatures. 2) Beautiful Darkness. 3) Beautiful Chaos. 4) Beatiful Redemption.
I don't remember where exactly Beautiful Creatures got in my radar, but I remember it had barely been out for a month or so. The blurb seemed interesting, so I bought it.

And a little after it made it into my TBR pile, I heard they adapting it into a movie. And I was like: What? [Insert dumbfounded face here]

You have to understand. Up until that point, all the major fandoms based on books came into my life already established. Harry Potter wasn't even heard of in my country before the movies. I jumped late (and I mean, late) into the Twilight ship. The Hunger Games and The Mortal Instruments bleeped on my radar well into their second and third books, respectively. And they were both already huge.

But I can proudly say that I was fan of this series since the beginning. I saw the fandom grow spectacularly with every book that came out. The authors were nice enough to answer questions to me from the beginning. (I remember asking a bunch of stuff to Kami Garcia back when she used formspring. See? We go way back.) My country was even mentioned in Beautiful Chaos, I think. When news reached inhabitants of Gatlin of weird phenomenom around the world, Paraguay was there. True, we don't get many tornadoes around here, but it was the beggining of the end of the world. One would imagine tornadoes were to be expected.

My point is... I was there when it happened. Not in Gatlin, of course, because that would be weird, but when the books became huge, I was already well acquainted with them. I was one of those smug, annoying girls who said: "You are in love with what series, now? Well, I read that one a gazillion years ago." And it felt wonderful!

I could say that... erm, all of the aforementioned franchises (except The Mortal Instruments because the last book won't come out UNTIL 2014) left a lot to be desired in the aftermath. I think I'm most pissed with the Hunger Games, in that department. Don't get me started with that whole Gale fiasco.

So, major kudos to this lovely ladies for delivering a final installment that turned out to be... well, PERFECT. Seven across, as in the end of The Caster Chronicles. It left some questions unanswered, but I'm not mad about using my imagination to answer them. All in all, Beautiful Redemption lived up to its name. And it was incredible. Plus, we get to find out what the heck happened with Link in the basement when he was nine years old. Finally. And about Link...

Am waitin' to read more about Wesley Lincoln and Ridley Duchannes, now, ya hear Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl? (That's me, channeling Amma, in case you were wondering.)

And here are some awesome pictures about the movie, in case you don't believe me about the grandiousness of this series. Not a word, I know (and my autocorrect knows) but sooo fitting..

If you haven't read the books yet, what the heck are you waiting for? You know, the movie comes out in February, 2013. There's only so much time before you become one of those people who only know good books (and use that term loosely about some of the other franchises) because they were made into movies, right? You don't want to be one of those people. You wanna be on my team. Go Team Caster Chronicles!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Blog Hop - Hosted by Brenda Drake

This Blog Hop is hosted by the awesome Brenda Drake, who very nicely asked us to join her on this journey of thanksgiving. Just post pictures or thoughts of thanks from now until Thanksgiving, hop around during the month, and get to know each other. It seemed cool, so here we are. 

I’ve never celebrated Thanksgiving. It’s not a Holiday where I’m from. I confess, though. I’ve always found it intriguing. I know (unless TV shows are full of bullshit, which would promptly shatter a life-long illusion) that there are parades most people watch on TV, and you all gather and eat turkey and mashed potatoes (that last one I learned from Friends. Remember that episode in which Monica had to make at least four different kinds? I always remember that, for some reason.).

That’s how your Holiday comes across for us down here.

I wasn’t quite sure what was it that you Americans where giving thanks for, but there’s virtually nothing (pardon the pun) a quick googling can’t help you with.
And googling it is exactly what I did. Did you know in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving, too? I sure didn’t. Different history than the more internationally known American tradition, but they also do it.

Ooookay, back to the topic.

This year, in honor of all the American friends I made during some contests I participated in, I’ll celebrate Thanksgiving with you. At least on my blog. You’ll have to eat the turkey and stuff for me because I’m pretty sure they don’t even sell that bird around here. But I’m with you in spirit, my friends.
I’m thankful for the internet. Weird, huh? Maybe this crazy girl from the end of the world didn’t understand your holiday after all, you wonder, no?

Sure I did.

I’m sure some of you would agree with me on this one, though. Writing can be a lonely business. Sometimes I let my sister talking to herself because I suddenly had a breakthrough idea. This idea is gonna fix that one problem that got me stuck for weeks. How could I not let the world hanging to capture it before I lose it? It’s just not done. But then, after I’m reading that one brilliant scene I finally got around to write I notice. My sister is long gone. I’m sure she’ll forgive me when I become a best-selling author and cart her off to Paris like I promised her ages ago, but the point remains. We sacrifice time with our loved ones to write. At least I do.

And here’s where the internet comes from. If it weren’t for it, I wouldn’t even know how is it that a novel gets published. Of all authors out there constantly giving interviews and things, something that Stephanie Meyer said once got stuck in my head:

“There’s ton of information online if you are interested in publishing a novel.”

And then I discovered that info is not only found about publishing it. You get people supporting you that are going through the same issues you’re having, down to that coffee addiction that makes you grumble if not fulfilled or that crazy pair of pajamas that become your uniform on weekends. And it makes you feel connected.

That connection with the world that I had to put on hold with my family and friends gets not restored, because nothing compares to quality time with a loved one, but it definitely becomes something that helps you push harder to take steps forward. And believing that some day (hopefully not too far away) it’ll all be worth it.

An argument could be made that it’s not really the internet, but the fellow writers that I should be grateful for, but as I have already mention in previous posts (you are probably rolling your eyes at me now) I live far, far away from people who could understand my inner musings. I mean, I’m sure there are great future novelists in Paraguay right now (like Augusto Roa Bastos, for example. The guy was a genious novelist and a fellow Paraguayan.) But people speak spanish around me. Other than my parents, siblings and a few friends, no one knows I write in english. So how could they provide any comfort? And it’s not their job to go along with my crazy plans (Except my mother. It sort of falls under her job description.) If I lived next to fellow english-writing writers (that wasn’t redundant at all) I’m sure the internet wouldn’t be such a crucial invention for me. But I don’t. And there are no immediate plans for that to change, so the internet it is.

That being said, of course I’m grateful for y’all. See? I’m even using “y’all”, something that again, if the TV is to be trusted, is a very American way to say “you all”. I’m no one to judge how you make your language your own because God knows, Paraguayans speak an unofficial dialect that most spanish-speaking people from other countries have trouble following. (It’s because we have actually 2 official languages [spanish and guarani] and have a tendency of mixing them up quite often. It’s called “jopara”. Bet you didn’t know that. See how cultured the internet makes everyone?)

So, to wrapped up.. the internet is something to be grateful for. So I am.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group #1

So someone (no idea who) put me on the list for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The idea is so fantabulous that I can't help but going along, although some notification would have been lovely.

For those of you who have no idea, the purpose of this group is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Really, when you think about it, why the hell didn't someone thought of doing this ages ago? 

It feels like I've been writing for ever, but the truth is I'm just starting out, at least seriously. I have one finished manuscript that still needs heavy revising, and three other projects which are half-way and on the drawer. Oh, and I'm starting a new one now for NaNoWriMo. I'm really excited about it. 

But then again, I'm always excited about WIPs when they are born. Those three that are unfinished were my dearest babies at their respective times, but somewhere along the way of plotting and pansing (I'm a hardcore hybrid) I just lost the way. 

I don't know about you guys, but when I "lose my muse" it's virtually impossible for me to get back on track. It's n times easier to just start a new WIP and wait for those ground-breaking ideas to come to me in a moment of clarity and make my lost manuscripts jump out of the drawer. And before you even think about saying anything, I'm know that I'm being incredibly stupid about that approach.

And it's not even that my one-liners for those manuscripts were bad. One is about a teenage girl who's been raised in a secret society of empaths (they are matriarchal) and havoc wrecks when they find a boy in their midst. Another is about a college girl (New Adult, if you must. When I started it, that term wasn't as popular as it is now) who was murdered and for some reason comes back to life. It has something to do with the weapon used to kill her, she didn't become a vampire or anything paranormal like that. And the other one is about four girls who are the ancient embodiment of the seasons (think of them as faeries, except that word is never actually mentioned). See? They are kind of cool, in my humble opinion. But they are only half-way done. 

And my mother pressuring me to just FINISH them of course helps nothing. I'm sure she means well, but... not really helping. I got stuck in a place that only I can crawl out of. I'm well aware of that. 

Not to justify my procrastination or anything like that, BUT... my working theory is that I just haven't lived enough. I'm young. And I know that there are gifted teenagers out there who could write a pullitzer-deserving novel but not all of us are like that. It's a fact we have to accept. It's specially hard when you consider that as a child, I was always ahead of my peers. I was spoiled into believing I was "smart". Parents, don't tell your children they are the best, even if they are. I'm not saying I was perfect, because God knows that would be big, fat lie. But it sure didn't help me accept failure. And I say this with no presumptions or anything. It's just how things are. 

Great, now this post makes me sound like a spoiled brat, doesn't it? But whatever. It's cheaper than therapy and helps just as much.

Anyway, more on these and other subjects in posts to come :)


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Creative Cursing

With all this NaNo madness going on, I had an epiphany today. My previous projects were all Young Adult, but I’ve had these ideas for an Adult Romance novel living in my head for so long that I decided to go ahead and put them to good use. It was a crazy, last-minute decision, but I’m doing it. And it’s working! I’m so excited I can’t stop thinking about it.

Anyway, that’s just as intro for the real reason behind this post.  Creative cursing. I completely suck at that, apparently.

In YA there’s not much use (usually) for curse words, but given the age and… natural inclinations of my new MCs, there’s endless room for creative cursing that I just can’t get my head around
I remember after finishing Kim Harrison’s The Hollows series that every so often, I found myself yelling: “Taking it to the turn” or “Tink’s undergarments!” at random.  It was particularly hilarious because no one in my day to day life actually speaks English. And there I was, using Jenks’ funny expletives in English. People confirmed then their suspicions that I was crazy. And I just smiled condescendingly at them, muttering a prayer that someday, I find someone who‘d understand my predicaments. (I’m still waiting for my prayers to be heard, by the way.)

And then, after finishing Kiersten White’s Paranormalcy, my household thrived in the epoch of the “Bleep” cursing. This was, again, funny. But now people kind of got the gist of what I meant.

I had another example, but I forgot. It happens to me all the time. I’ll get back at you on it.

Anyway, the idea remains. It hardly is an unexplored territory, but it’s kind of difficult for me. And I want my future readers to get stuck in their heads funny curse words as much as the next writer.

What about you? Does creative cursing come easily to you? 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

COVER REVEAL - Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins

I have some exciting news for you, my darlings! The cover for the next installment for Wendy Higgin’s Sweet Trilogy is HERE! It’s not being long since it was announced the deal for us to have more Kaidan, I mean, more Sweet Books, and now the cover for Sweet Peril is OUT!
And now, without further ado... Here’s the cover!

Gorgeous, isn't it? I’m so fangirling at the moment it’s not even funny. And yes, I used “fangirl” as a verb. I mean, have you met Kaidan Rowe? Totally appropriate.
Here’s the Blurb:
Anna Whitt, daughter of a guardian angel and a demon, promised herself she’d never do the work of her father—polluting souls. She’d been naive to make such a claim. She’d been naive about a lot of things. Haunted by demon whisperers, Anna does whatever she can to survive, even if it means embracing her dark side and earning an unwanted reputation as her school’s party girl. Her life has never looked more bleak. And all the while there’s Kaidan Rowe, son of the Duke of Lust, plaguing her heart and mind.
When an unexpected lost message from the angels surfaces, Anna finds herself traveling the globe with Kopano, son of Wrath, in an attempt to gain support of fellow Nephilim and give them hope for the first time. It soon becomes clear that whatever freedoms Anna and the rest of the Neph are hoping to win will not be gained without a fight. Until then, Anna and Kaidan must put aside the issues between them, overcome the steamiest of temptations yet, and face the ultimate question: is loving someone worth risking their life?

Publication Date:  April 30, 2013 from HarperTeen.
Book 3 of The Sweet Trilogy, Sweet Reckoning, is slated for spring/summer 2014.

Author Bio:
Wendy Higgins was born in Alaska, grew up an Army brat, and lived all over the United States before settling in the Washington, DC area. She attended George Mason University for her undergrad degree in creative writing, and Radford University for her masters in curriculum and instruction. Wendy taught 9th and 12th grade English in a rural school before becoming a mother and author. She now lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, daughter, and son. Sweet Peril is her second novel.

I could totally die of excitement! If you haven’t grabbed Sweet Evil yet, what are you waiting for?

You can learn more about Wendy’s books here
And follow her on twitter @Wendy_Higgins.  
And like her on Facebook.
And you should also follow @KaidanRowe.
And add Sweet Peril on Goodreads.
Preorder on Amazon
Preorder on Barnes & Noble.
Preorder on TheBook Depository.
Also, like Sweet Evil's Facebook fanpage.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

LOSING IT by Cora Carmack – Review + Interview

To be completely honest with you, guys, this is my first review. Ever. I’m a tad nervous, but it’s quite fitting for it to be about Cora Carmack’s LOSING IT. Why, you might be wondering, yes? Well, to answer this question with another question… Have you read the blurb? In case you haven't, here it is: 


Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.

Every review of LOSING IT I’ve stumbled across describes with hilarious accuracy Bliss and her craziness, so I thought I’d dig a little deeper. As a genre, New Adult is only emerging and it might still take a long while for it to get proper recognition, so today’s “new adults” don’t have nearly as much representation as teenagers in contemporary literature. Just yesterday I was reading an article about the evolution of YA, and it boggles the mind that what today is such a large market in the literary community, twenty years ago wasn’t even recognized as a genre. In this emerging market, let me introduce you to Bliss Edwards.

She’s very smart, very passionate and very pretty. And she is also what we’d call a late bloomer. The first pages alone are successful at painting us her worldview. And when her blood pressure rises (that would be when we meet Garrick), you are already panting right along with her. The storytelling is that good.

Garrick is a delight. How often have you crossed paths with a male protagonist who is swoon-worthy but also comes across as real? Let’s face it: one of the greatest appeals of current YA novels out there is that they give us the “perfect” fictional boyfriend we are all waiting to find in our everyday lives. I don’t know about you, guys, but I’m personally still waiting. Garrick is this blond British guy, who owns a motorcycle and teaches theatre. Yeah, I know. How much hotter than that can we get, right? There are these little things, though, that make him real. You’ll find yourself rooting for him, and at some points wanting to yell at him: “What the hell is wrong with you, man? Don’t be such an idiot. She’s totally into you!” You’ll be surprised to notice his hotness is barely an afterthought, something that’s in the background but not the center of the story. To me, that’s gold.

My favorite part, by far, is one of Bliss’ moments of utter lack of grace. I don’t want to be spoilery, but it involves alcohol – lots of alcohol. And it feels important to mention this: Bliss’ frequently-mentioned awkwardness is not her being clumsy or having brain-not-engaged moments. She’ll make you laugh with smart thoughts (like when she uses this Shakespeare reference of the ‘beast of two backs’ that’ll make you cry with laughter), and ridiculous excuses that could actually happen (like when she adopts Hamlet… you’ll SO love that cat). And overall just being real.

Also, I love books that make me want to learn new things. LOSING IT is filled with theatre references that serve as metaphors of the romantic entanglements of these two (On that note, you might want to take a look at the play Phaedra). And if you’re not into theatre, you’d still find plenty of situations that will make you swoon.

One quick last thing before I forget… the secondary characters are all pretty amazing, but there’s this guy that takes the cake. In fact, my first thought when I finished reading the book (after my heartbeats slowed down to normal rates, that is) was… What about HIM? I’m not going to tell you his name. But promises have been made *eyeing Cora surreptitiously, except not really eyeing her seeing as we haven’t actually met* that we’ll get his follow up story next year. You’ll want to know. Believe me.

If you’re still not totally convinced LOSING IT is worth reading, I have a very special guest here that, if you’re a hot-blooded creature, will make you reconsider. Let’s all welcome Garrick Taylor to the stage…

 Me: First of all, lovely to meet you *handshake*. Tell me a little about yourself, Garrick.

G:   Hello Johana, it's lovely to meet you. Well, I'm an actor. Oh, and I'm English. Bliss always says I should lead with that, but I think the accent makes it fairly redundant. Since I was little, I've always loved a challenge. That's what's so great about theatre-- every day at the office is different with a new part to play or a new audience or new obstacles. It makes for a very interesting life, which I suppose is the most I can ask for. 

Me: I have a healthy respect for a man that loves a challenge. Speaking of, I've heard some interesting things about Bliss. What can you tell me about her?

G: Ah, Bliss. I mentioned that I love a challenge, right? She's definitely that. I won't pretend I have her all figured out. She's a complex girl and I like that. She's hilarious, but takes life very seriously. She's ambitious, but indecisive. She's very intelligent, but well, in the time I've known her she's certainly made some... interesting choices. She's sexy (even though she always makes this funny face when I say that). From the moment we met, I knew if anything could keep my life interesting, it would be her.

Me:   *Stares intensely at him* Oh, my! And what crossed your mind when you found out Bliss' role in your new job?

G: Christ, that was a bad day, wasn't it? Oddly enough, it took me a bit to really figure out what had happened. I stood there staring, coming up with all these crazy reasons that she could be there. When I realized she was a student, I was just gutted. I mean, the night before had ended poorly, but I'd planned to go round to her place after I got off work, see if I could smooth things over. Needless to say, that didn't happen. 

Me: You've told me about Bliss, now I want to hear about you. What made you pursue a career in theatre? Did someone influence your decision, or is it just "your call"? Heavens know, it's a challenging path.

G: Now, Johana, are you forgetting how I feel about challenges? *grins* How I became interested in theatre is actually a funny story. I wanted to play rugby when I was younger. My mum is a bit overprotective, so she was appalled. After a few injuries, she got it in her head that she needed to provide me with a more cultured upbringing. She started taking me to plays, hoping the arts would turn me into a proper gentleman. Instead, it turned me into an actor. I'm not sure I've been entirely proper since. 

Me:  Oh, believe me, I haven't forgotten. I promised my readers we'll discuss some particular subjects. So… Do you cook?

G: I do not, not well at least. Don't be too disappointed, ladies. What I lack in the kitchen, I make up for in other rooms. 

Me:  Oh my God. I.. I mean.. Well. Thank you for that visual. And who cares, right? There are always delivery services. And how were your first experiences (OMG *blushes*) in America? I mean, in the theatre scene and all?

G: Visuals, eh? I'm a tactile person myself. I learn best through touch. But you asked about my first years in America. Well, I moved when I was 18. It was an adjustment, certainly. A culture shock in many ways, but I loved it. It didn't hurt that American girls love a guy with an accent. My first show was actually The Importance of Being Earnest. I had a leg up there considering I already had the dialect down. I love England, but I'm happy here in the States. Very happy. 

Me: And what's your favorite play of all time?

G: Now you've done it. It's your fault if I go on too long. Favorite is a hard thing to pin down. I remember my life in plays-- which stories were most important to me at different times. Over the years I've called many shows my "favorite." Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, Hamlet, The History Boys by Alan Bennett, All my Sons by Arthur Miller, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, and the musical Sunday in the Park with George just to name a few. These days though... I'd say my favorite is Phaedra. 

Me: I heard Bliss is doing pretty good career-wise… But what are your plans on the long term?

G: For my career or Bliss? I've got big plans for both I'd say.

Me: I am glad to hear that. It's all about the passion you feel for what you do, no? Any words of wisdom for aspiring actors out there?

G: Approach life the way you would approach portraying a role. Discover what you want, and go after it. Don't give up when your objective isn't met in the first scene. Try harder. Change your tactics. Obstacles make life interesting. If a character were to back down from a challenge, it wouldn't be a very interesting play. The same goes for life. 

Me: That's an amazing advice. I'm definitely looking forward to hear more about you, guys. Thank you infinitely for joining me for this interview.

You are very welcome, Johana. It was lovely to meet you. 

Now how about that? Still not decided? What are you, a paraguayan trying to decide who should win the elections in America based on your twitter feed? Oh, wait... That's me. Sorry.

Monday, October 22, 2012

First Page Critique - The Haunted Clinic and Contest

So I run into a bit of unexpected trouble, and it caused me to delay my scheduled first-page post. If I told you about it, you wouldn’t believe me. It involved a broken internet satellite, some burned cookies and a dog. You get the picture, I’m sure.

Anyway... Here it is. The dreaded First Page (capitals felt necessary). I hope it’s not too late and there are some of you kind spirits that would aid me in my hour of need. I promise to return the favor as soon as I get rid of the burned-cookies smell that plagues my apartment after a whole week of the previously mentioned but not quite explained incident. And you know what’s the fun part? It’s not even a joke.

Now let’s get down to bussiness...

Chapter One (First Page)

The day the Threader was buried, attendance to the funeral was mandatory for everyone over eighteen at the Capital.
As I made my way through the crowd of silent mourners, I struggled not to let go of Mara. Mother would kill us if we lost each other in the throng of people. She’d been reluctant enough to let us come to the Capital alone for the Sentinel’s Yearly Recruitment Assembly. Threader Karena dying while we visited had been an unpleasant coincidence.
I conveniently forgot to check in with her this morning because something told me she would not be pleased to know we smuggled our way into the funeral. Call it an educated guess.
Good thing our little town was hours away or else I'd fully expect her to come drag us back home.
The procession was slow and tortured. Most citizens didn’t know the Threader personally, but her good actions toward the people were notorious. You could feel it in the air, the heartbreak of the people.
I admit it. I wasn’t so much sad as I was morbidly curious to see which one of Karena’s daughters-in-law became now our sole ruler.
I wanted to be a part of the procession so bad that Mara thought I was crazy, yet she came with me.
The selection was supposed to take place the minute the former Threader was buried; we couldn’t afford to be unprotected any longer than necessary. And rumor had it, it was a spectacle to behold; that the magic threads and different layers of the world made themselves visible not only to the new Threader, but to everyone near her. 
I glanced back, and saw the face of my fair-skinned sister drenched in sweat, strands of red hair sticking to her forehead, even with the dull sunlight painting the town grey. Mara had always had a delicate complexion, and while it did not in any measure mar her stunning features, it did prove to be a disadvantage when physical activity was involved. Her cheeks were flushed and if I didn’t know her like I do, I’d say she was excited to be here, which she wasn't in the least. But we were a team. She had to come with me, just as I went with her to that boring theater function the other night. She’d been ecstatic. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Haunted Writing Clinic and Contest 2.0

First of all, thank you all who've been kind enough to give my last query a read and suggestions. Here’s the newest version. 

What do you think, minions and supervillains?

Dear Supervillain: 

Seventeen year-old Aria’s plans for becoming a Sentinel come to a halt when her twin sister Mara connects with the magical threads of their world, becoming the new Threader of Aragua. The problem? They are not royals.

Some threads of Aragua are untangling, losing pieces of the world to different dimensions. Aria discovers her world is dying because of a curse set by a vengeful goddess. To top it off, she is supposedly destined to bring the missing pieces back. She cares little about superstitions and myths, but when Mara weakens and falls into an abiding sleep, she has to try. If she doesn't, her sister will die and the world will be lost.

In her search for answers, she walks straight into the heart of the curse, which links the seven sons of a past Threader to the original curse. She begrudginly accepts the help of the two most solicitious brothers. Together, they track down the missing pieces of land, uncovering a centuries-old plot to break the Threader’s bloodline.

With characters inspired by the old guarani tale of Tau and Kerana, The Curse of the Seven is finished at 80,000 words and has series potential.

Monday, October 08, 2012

The Haunted Writing Clinic and Contest

There is nothing SCARIER than rejection, so this Halloween face your fears by entering our spooky writing clinic and contest. Not only will you get help crafting your submission package, you’ll have the opportunity to win a chance at publication by Curiosity Quills Press.
There are two types of bloggers involved:
Minions: Writers with query ready manuscripts.
Super villains: Published and pre-published authors from Curiosity Quills.
Each super villain will be assigned a team of minions to mentor. Each team will have a spooky name and theme. The super villain whose minions get the most requests from the judges will win bragging rights as villain supreme. 
Now, doesn't that sound intriguing? Some of you have already read my query from GUTGAA, but life's all about taking chances, right? And given that I didn't make it in ANY round at GUTGAA becuase the slots were filled in like, a nanosecond, I'm seeing this as a new opportunity to improve my query. Well, without further ado, here's my query for The Curse of the Seven, fellow minions and supervillains :)
Dear Supervillain:
Seventeen year-old Aria’s plans for becoming a Sentinel come to a halt when her twin sister Mara connects with the magical threads of their world, turning into the first Threader out of royal bloodline in the history of Aragua.

But some threads of Aragua are untangling, losing pieces of the world to different dimensions. It all turns out to be part of a curse set upon the former Threader Karena by a vengeful goddess. Aria realizes that not only the Empire is in danger but her only sister’s life as well: Mara’s mission of weaving the threads together is at risk.

To top it off, Aria is supposedly destined to bring the missing pieces back. She cares little about superstitions and myths, but when her sister weakens and falls into uninterrupted sleep, she knows at least she has to try.

Being the last links to the original curse, Karena’s seven sons are essential in solving the issue with the threads. Aria begrudgingly accepts the help of the two most solicitous brothers; arrogant, handsome Jael and sweet, caring Liam. The trio tracks down the missing pieces of land, uncovering in the process a centuries-old plot to break the Threader's bloodline. 

With characters inspired by the old guarani tale of Tau and Kerana, The Curse of the Seven is finished at 80,000 words and has series potential.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teaser Tuesday - LOSING IT by Cora Carmack

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading! 

To participate all you have to do is:

•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
(make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)

 Since it's my first time doing this, it felt only appropiate to tease some of my favorite scenes from a book about firsts. LOSING IT, by new Indie Author Cora Carmack comes out October 16th. 

“Shakespeare. No one reads Shakespeare in a bar unless it’s a ploy to pick up girls. All I’m saying is you might have better luck up front.” à Page 9, e-ARC

“You have a cat named Hamlet?”
“I do.” Kill me now. “I definitely, definitely do.”
That was it. I was going to have to get a cat.  à Page 96, e-ARC

“Am I the lust-filled mother in this situation or you?”
His eyes came back to me, dipping and scanning the curves and lines of my body. “Oh, that’s definitely me,” he answered.   à  Page 101, e-ARC

I seriously loved this book. Come back on October 24th to read an exclusive interview with LOSING IT resident hottie, Garrick Taylor. We'll talk about love, theater, pop culture, global warming, economics, pie recipes and more. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reader Appreciation Award

I was nominated for the Reader Appreciation Award by Tamara at her blog One Magic Bean Buyer, which is all kinds of amazing. She was one of the first to disect my pitch at the GUTGAA blog hop, and we've been online friends since. Right, Tamara? Oh, and speaking of GUTGAA, she made it to Round 2 Agent Pitch over there, so be a doll and go congratulate her :D She deserves it because her story, Against the Falling Moons, is really good. Due to a minor technical error, I didn't send my pitch in time for the Agent Round, so she gave me someone to root for.  

Well, now the Rules for this thingy. 

  • Identify and show appreciation to the blogger who nominated you
  • Add the reward logo to your blog
  • Tell your readers seven things about yourself
  • Nominate 5-10 of your favorite bloggers for this award.
  • Inform your nominees you nominated them.

Seven things about me: 


I cannot, for the life of me, play a video game. I think even Mario Bros. hates me. It’s just embarrasing when your 7 year old sister beats you at Mario Cart. And it’s not even like I’m “letting her” win. In fact, it’s the opposite. Sometimes she feels bad for me that loses on purpose.


Speaking of said 7 year-old... I love all of my siblings with my life, but the youngest is special. She’s my soulmate. Or a clone of mine, take your pick. Even thought there are some days that she gets as annoying as kids get, she is and always will be my little sunshine. I named one of my MC after her. I asked her if she was okay with that (she can build up quite a temper if I don’t take her into consideration in things like that) and her very serious answer was: “Sure. But don’t let anybody read that.” I laughed so hard and she didn’t speak to me for a day. Luckily, she didn’t rescind permission.


 The first “adult” book I ever read is Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead. Quite a shocker for me. Until then, I didn’t really consider the possibility of book characters having sex. I’ve read a lot of books like that after (wait a minute... *looks at the camera a-la-Nanny-Fran*)  but Georgina will remain forever in my heart. She’s a perfect example of a flawed character that still is capable of making you love her in spite of the flaws. I picked it up expecting something similar to Vampire Academy, which I recently finished and loved at the time, and it was so funny because the first chapter shocked me senseless. SO not like Vampire Academy.


I’ve been known as “The Girl Who Falls Asleep In Clubs’ Restrooms”. Note the plural. Okay, that sounds very bad. But it’s true. It’s just not my kind of place. Every time my friends dragged me to places like these, I ended up having an intimate acquaintance with the couches that they put at girl’s restroom. I don’t know if they put those in other countries’ clubs’ restrooms, but they do in Paraguay. For which I am profoundly thankful.


My first MS was writen when I was twelve. It wasn’t finished and got lost a lot of years ago, but I do vaguely recall what it was about. It was in spanish, and I was just getting into Harry Potter. Think Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper, but instead of a pauper, it was a pirate. And they were two girls, instead of boys. At the time, I didn’t know that my brilliant idea had been done a gazillion times before. I have no idea what I was thinking at the time, but my best friend and I, in all of our innocence, were really excited about it (remember that, Jazmin?) I didn’t pick up the writing bug for almost ten years afterward, but that’s the beginning of my “writing career”.


I share my birthday with my great-grandmother. Except, of course, 70 years apart. My early birthday parties? Not. Fun. I always had to spend them surrounded by old people who didn’t exactly remember that it was my birthday, too. As I grew older, I put my foot down and skipped the family reunion. My great-grandma is generally known as a bitchy old lady, but to me she was always nice. Must be because we share our birthday. She still calls me every year to congratulate me on robbing her of her day. And of course, I go to visit her as often as I can, but I’ve successfully avoided the rest of my relatives for a few years now. She understands, I think.


Okay, a short one. I’ve had seven cell phones in four years. Cell phone technology is not my best friend. 

What was next? Oh, yeah. My nominees are: 

Wow. Believe it or not, that was a huge feat for me. I have like, 11 followers. Maybe now I'll get a little bit more?

BTW.. Love you, my Elevens :D
